
Cricket, Field

Gryllus pennsylvanicus or G. veletis

The field cricket's chirp is probably familiar to most people. There are two species of field crickets, the fall field cricket (G. pennsylvanicus) and the spring field cricket (G. veletis), which cannot be readily distinguished visually or by call. I do not know which species made this call; although it was recorded in September. (Albany County, New York)

Trig, Say's

Anaxipha exigua

Male Say's trigs make a prolonged high pitched trill to attract females. An individual does not make a very loud call in comparison to many cricket species, but many calling at once contribute to the general background of a summers day. Play this recording quietly to hear what the cricket sounds like to the unaided ear. Say's trigs are very active, small, brown crickets (body length about 6 mm) found on low vegetation; I captured them on goldenrod and on rhododendron bushes. They belong to the sword-tailed crickets, a group in which females have sharp, up-curved, scimitar-like ovipositors. (Recorded at 23°C Albany County, New York)

Katydid, Common True

Pterophylla camellifolia

The male's katydid call sets the ambience of warm summer evenings. The katydid calls from high in trees and is hard to collect. The call varies regionally. (Albany County, New York)

Katydid, Fork-tailed bush

Scudderia furcata

Male fork-tailed bush katydids make a series of 2 to 4 very high pitched lisps to signal females. If a female responds with a tick, the male will move toward her to mate. The lisps are actually quite loud, but some people may find them difficult to hear because the most of the sound is greater than 10,000 Hz. Common throughout the US; found on low vegetation. (Recorded at 22°C Albany County, New York)